Press conference: MH17 – Trial by Media

A press conference ‘MH17 – Trial by Media’ took place in The Hague, Netherlands, on June 6, 2020, in advance of the new sittings of the trial in absentia of three Russians and one Ukrainian in Amsterdam, beginning on June 8.
The event was organised by the International platform – Global Rights of Peaceful People (, and Bonanza Media (, an international platform of independent journalists.
Yana Erlashova, Bonanza Media, presented new and important information on the case. Here you can find the latest video:
The panel of experts from the field of journalism, politology and civil investigation shared the insights and discussed the role of the media in the extremely politicized public discourse. Our guests this time included professor Kees van der Pijl, Dutch independent journalist Eriс van de Beek and German civil investigator and journalist Billy Six.

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